
Have you ever wondered if you will be able to do what you need to do, want to do, or even dream to do late in life?

Active older adults who train all functional domains have the functional, healthy longevity to not only survive, but thrive!

Tend a garden,
play with your grandkids,
play a sport
How will you spend your longevity?

As a certified Functional Aging Specialist (FAS), I work with adults ages 50+ to optimize all areas of physical function, so that they can not only maintain their autonomy throughout their lives, but be able to do the things they need, want, and dream to do. I provide motivation to work for a better today and hope for an active, healthy future.

As your personal trainer, I will start by learning about you…your challenges, goals, hobbies, dreams. I will design custom, quality programs based on the 6 Domains of Physical Function to ensure your quality, healthy, active aging and longevity. I will educate, elevate, and empower you to reach your goals, be the best that you can be, and achieve a new level of wellness. I will equip you with tools to help you manage the challenges that you face in establishing sustainable, healthy habits and guide you along a successful path of making good decisions about daily activity, nutrition, and general wellness. I ask that you come as you are…life challenges and all, ready to make a change. You are not meant to just survive but to thrive!

As a long time, certified Group Fitness Instructor (GFI), I invite all adults age 18+ to experience the energy, excitement, social support and motivation that group fitness offers. It’s so fun you won’t even realize you worked out!

Check out the new Senior Fitness and Bootcamp/Circuit Training classes! Visit the Group Fitness section for more details and to sign-up.

Renee Cotton / Owner

What are People Saying?

How Can I Help You?

black and white laptop

There is so much conflicting fitness and nutrition information out there that it is hard to know what to believe and follow. Being equipped with researched-backed knowledge puts you in control!

I can help you build the confidence to take responsibility for making good, educated decisions to develop a path to better health and wellness.

self care isn t selfish signage

Our lives often are so busy and demanding that it is difficult to develop and sustain healthy habits. We take time for our families, jobs, and others but rarely for ourselves to set and work on our own goals and wellness. Ironically, improving ourselves benefits all other areas of our lives!

I can help you elevate fitness, nutrition, and general wellness to a higher level of importance in your daily life.

achievement confident free freedom

Healthy habits of regular activity, good nutrition, and general wellness result in increased energy, lower stress levels, reduced risk of injury, prevention and reduction of the effects of disease, greater autonomy, and higher self-confidence. Change your mindset and behaviors…change your life!

I can help you learn strategies and establish sustainable habits that empower you to be able to do more and feel your best for a better quality of daily living and a lifetime of active, health and wellness.

How Will We Get There?

Discuss your goals, needs, wants, and dreams...Where do you want to be in your later years? Identify your current habits, limitations, and barriers to regular activity, nutritious eating and general wellness. Provide solutions to overcome your barriers and work on establishing sustainable, healthy habits.

Where do you want to be in your later years?

Use an evidence-based, systematic approach to functional aging training that addresses all 6 Domains of Physical Function and builds a strong foundation of stabilization including: flexibility, core strength, and balance. A strong foundation will reduce the risk of injury and provide a stable base of support before adding intensity and load for increases in strength and power.

Use evidence-based tools and methods to help you develop nutrition and wellness habits to which you can adhere long-term while properly fueling your body and preserving the joy of eating.

Empower you with knowledge and education to help you understand the scientific basis for what we do and to establish a foundation for making healthy decisions on your own.

Change your mindset such that you prefer the new habits and look forward to spending time on yourself for the benefit of yourself and others.

Provide ongoing motivation and support as you navigate your journey to a new lifestyle of healthy habits for healthy, functional longevity!

What are the Service Options?

Functional Aging Training

Whether we work one-on-one or together with a friend, I will develop a customized training program for you based on your goals, assessment results, and the science behind functional training to ensure your quality, healthy, active aging and longevity.

Functional Aging Training looks at the whole person including the 6 Domains of Physical Function: Cognitive/Emotional, Neuromuscular, Musculoskeletal, Mobility, Balance, and Cardiorespiratory. By training all of these areas, we will optimize your functional abilities and overall health and wellness so that you will be able to do all that you need, want, and dream to do for as long as possible.

We will begin with an initial assessment to help me understand where you are today. Based on the results, I will develop a customized program that starts with your physical foundation including flexibility, core strength and stability for proper static and dynamic posture, and joint mobility (think about the foundation that supports a building) as well as key daily wellness habits (sleep, hydration, nutrition...). I will identify and correct muscle imbalances and movement compensations with a variety of exercises to optimize the foundation upon which we can build endurance, strength, and power for any and all types of activities including activities of daily living, sports and everything in between. See What is Movement Optimization? for more details. We will train each of the 6 Domains of Physical Function in an integrated program using a variety of equipment and techniques.

6 Domains of Physical Function

Staying physically fit is one of the best ways to prevent disease, avoid discomfort and pain, and provide energy, endurance, and strength for sports, hobbies, and/or regular daily activities. Many chronic diseases and conditions (such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes) are the leading causes of death and disability yet are preventable by living a healthy, active lifestyle. Additionally, regular physical activity is the strongest predictor of death, disability, and disease as measured by aerobic conditioning and fitness, yet so many people lead sedentary lifestyles. So keep moving...your family, friends, and older self will thank you for it!

Our activity levels and lifestyle choices will determine the path that we follow…blue or yellow.
80% -The lifestyle choices people make every day - dietary choices, physical activity levels, sleep, hydration, tobacco usage, alcohol consumption, level of mental stimulation - can accelerate or decelerate the biological aging process and account for most of the health and functional differences between individuals.
Muscle declines can be regained by training and existing function preserved. Which leg would you rather have?

In Person* - assessments and instruction performed one-on-one or with a partner

Live Virtual - assessments and instruction performed one-on-one online

*Training locations:

In home fitness training in northwest Roswell, southwest Milton, and west Alpharetta, GA.

Attitude Fitness in Southwest Roswell

person writing on notebook

Free live virtual consultation to get to know you, discuss your goals, needs, wants, and dreams, and determine the right solution for you.

person marking check on opened book

Initial and recurring assessments to identify your movement patterns and measure progress on specific focus areas.

color colour fitness health

Customized, scientifically based functional aging fitness training and movement optimization programs designed based on your goals, assessment results, and the science of functional aging training implemented together with guidance and coaching.

Basic nutrition coaching to complement training efforts and ensure and a more complete level of wellness.

Ongoing accountability, motivation and support via email and text messaging.

Monthly Prepaid Pricing*

30 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) - $360
12 sessions per month (3x / week) - $480

45 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) – $440
12 sessions per month (3x / week) – $600

60 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) – $520
12 sessions per month (3x / week) – $720

*An additional cost may apply for longer travel times to in-home/gym training.

One session each month includes an assessment.

60 minute assessment sessions include an abbreviated workout.

Monthly Prepaid Pricing

30 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) – $325
12 sessions per month (3x / week) – $430

45 Minute Sessions

8 sessions / month (2x / week) – $400
12 sessions / month (3x / week) – $540

60 Minute Sessions

8 sessions / month (2x / week) – $470
2 sessions / month (3x / week) – $660

One session each month includes an assessment.

60 minute assessment sessions include an abbreviated workout.

Monthly Prepaid Per Person Pricing*
(A 25% discount off individual in person price!)

30 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) - $270
12 sessions per month (3x / week) - $360

45 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) - $325
12 sessions per month (3x / week) - $455

60 Minute Sessions

8 sessions per month (2x / week) - $390
12 sessions per month (3x / week) - $550

*An additional cost may apply for longer travel times to in-home/gym training.

One session each month includes an assessment.

60 minute assessment sessions include an abbreviated workout.

Movement Optimization

As a functional aging and corrective exercise specialist, I can help you gain greater joint range of motion, stability, and strength enabling you to move with greater control and feel better.

The human body is perfectly designed to support the demands of our many, varied activities. From our feet and ankles through our knees, the hips and low back, the upper back and shoulders, and up our necks to our heads, our bodies are one long Kinetic Chain. All parts work together for optimal movement. We move forward and backward and side to side. We turn, sit, stand, lie down, and get up. When we want to move, our nervous system activates our muscles that pull on the skeleton to move the body around joints. When our muscles have optimal length and tension both when active and at rest, we have the support needed to efficiently and safely move and stop moving. When the muscles around a joint are out of balance (e.g., one muscle is overactive / shortened while the opposite muscle is underactive / lengthened) due to an injury, improper posture, chronic movement patterns like sitting most of the day, hunching over a desk, looking down at a cellphone, etc., we lose range of motion (ROM) around that joint and end up engaging other muscles to do the job of the underactive / lengthened muscles to compensate for the reduced ROM. This adds tension and strain to the body...not just around the affected joint but potentially along the entire Kinetic Chain. It reduces our movement efficiency, strength, power, and stability and puts our bodies at risk for injury. In addition, we may experience pain and/or discomfort.

Movement Optimization can help with injury prevention and surgery avoidance, pain and/or discomfort around a joint, in nearby muscles, or even further along the Kinetic Chain, previous injuries that have been rehabilitated but continue to impact your movement quality, and increase muscle strength and power. I start with an assessment of static and dynamic posture and joint mobility to identify muscle imbalances and movement compensations. Once identified, I apply a scientific, research-based method to systematically correct the imbalance to restore optimal range of motion and retrain movement patterns resulting in efficient, stable movements. We then strengthen the body and optimize power for activities of daily living, hobbies, sports, or just playing with the kids or grandkids.

In Person* - assessments and instruction performed one-on-one

Live Virtual - assessments and instruction performed one-on-one online

*Training locations:

In home fitness training in northwest Roswell, southwest Milton, and west Alpharetta, GA.

Attitude Fitness in Southwest Roswell

person writing on notebook

Free live virtual consultation to get to know you, identify your goals, and determine the right solution for you.

person marking check on opened book

Initial and recurring assessments to identify your movement patterns and measure progress on specific focus areas.

set of fitness equipment placed on marble surface

Customized, scientifically based movement optimization exercise programs designed based on your goals, assessment results, and the science of functional movement implemented on your own after initial instruction.

A live virtual check-in plus ongoing accountability, motivation and support via email and text messaging.

Prepaid Pricing

In Person Assessment and Instruction:

Initial Assessment / Program Instruction / Reassessment* - $260
Each Program Revision Instruction / Reassessment** - $120
Additional program*** - $40

Optional 30 min check-in (two weeks after the second instruction session): $50 in-person, $45 live virtual

An additional cost may apply for longer travel times to in-home/gym training.

Live Virtual Assessment and Instruction:

Initial Assessment / Program Instruction / Reassessment* - $235
Each Program Revision Instruction / Reassessment** - $110
Additional program*** - $50

Optional 30 min check-in (two weeks after the second instruction session): $45 live virtual

*Includes a postural, movement, and mobility assessment, one custom program, two instruction sessions the following week, and a reassessment 4-6 weeks after the second instruction session.

**Includes a custom program revision based on the reassessment results, an instruction session the following week, and a reassessment 4-6 weeks after the instruction session.

***Includes an additional custom program and additional instruction time added to each scheduled session. There is an additional charge for a separate instruction session.

Nutrition Coaching

As a complement to your Fitness and/or Movement Optimization Training to ensure a more complete level of wellness or as a stand-alone focus, I will develop a customized nutrition program to help you achieve and maintain your weight loss or gain, fitness performance, and/or general health optimization goals.

a woman holding a red tomato

We are what we eat, right? Well, sort of. What and how we eat affects not only how we look (body composition) but also our levels of energy, ability to build lean muscle, mental health, complexion, efficiency of basic bodily processes, and susceptibility to disease. Good nutrition is vitally important for our overall wellbeing.

In fact, significant improvements in health status can be achieved with as little as a 10% loss of body weight. Eating the right combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates (macronutrients) at the right time can fuel your body for activity, assist with lean muscle growth, and aid in recovery. Eating a variety of nutritious foods will provide the nutrients that your body needs to perform its best whether your are active, resting, or even sleeping.

As your nutrition coach, I will develop a custom macronutrient-based nutrition plan that we will use to help you achieve your weight loss or gain, sport performance, or general health optimization goals. We will discuss your specific history, challenges, and preferences. I will help bring more awareness to your habits, choices, and options. We will work together using a variety of evidence-based tools and strategies to achieve your goals and lay the foundation for long-term sustainability.

In Person* - assessments and coaching performed one-on-one

Live Virtual - assessments and coaching performed one-on-one online

*Session location:

In home nutrition coaching in northwest Roswell, southwest Milton, and west Alpharetta, GA.

person writing on notebook

Free live virtual consultation to get to know you, identify your goals, and determine the right solution for you.

person marking check on opened book

Initial and recurring assessments to discuss your lifestyle and nutritional foundation and preferences, identify challenges and barriers, evaluate progress, and identify and modify strategies.

Customized, scientifically based macronutrient nutrition plan designed just for you as indicated by your goals and assessment results, implemented with guidance and coaching.

Education to increase awareness and facilitate independent decision making while providing guidance through implementation of strategies to build sustainable, healthy habits.

crop woman with smartphone and lunch at street cafe table

Ongoing accountability and support via email and text messaging.

Monthly Prepaid Pricing

In Person*

60 Minute Monthly Assessment and Coaching Session**


30 Minute Weekly Check-Ins**:
3 additional sessions per month (1x / week) – $185
7 additional sessions per month (2x / week) – $310

An additional cost may apply for longer travel times to in-home/gym training.

Live Virtual*

60 Minute Monthly Assessment and Coaching Session**


30 Minute Weekly Check-Ins**:
3 additional sessions per month (1x / week) – $165
7 additional sessions per month (2x / week) – $270

*You have the option to mix in person and live virtual sessions (e.g., in person monthly and weekly live virtual check-ins.)

**Each month includes a 60 minute assessment and coaching session and the desired number of weekly check-in sessions.

Group Fitness

Whether just starting a fitness journey or continuing to the next level, my group fitness classes are designed for participants of all skill levels to find motivation, inspiration, and even accountability working out with other like-minded participants.

Group Fitness brings together people from all walks of life and all fitness levels with a common goal: to have fun and accountability and to increase their individual fitness levels...together. Whether you want to get to know the other participants or just experience the challenges and fun as a group, working out together helps keep you motivated. With great music and high energy, you will learn or practice skills that will improve both your cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. All of my classes start with an emphasis on a solid foundation of flexibility, core strength and stability for proper static posture and dynamic movement. I layer on resistance and power exercises using a variety of equipment (e.g., dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, stability balls, heavy bags, TRX, etc.) and techniques based on your fitness level together with continuous movement to challenge the cardiovascular system.

Staying physically fit is one of the best ways to prevent disease, avoid discomfort and pain, and provide energy, endurance, and strength for sports, hobbies, and/or regular daily activities. Many chronic diseases and conditions (such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes) are the leading causes of death and disability yet are preventable by living a healthy, active lifestyle. Additionally, regular physical activity is the strongest predictor of death, disability, and disease as measured by aerobic conditioning and fitness, yet so many people lead sedentary lifestyles. Significant improvements in health status can be achieved with weight loss of as little as 10% of body weight. So keep moving...your family, friends, and older self will thank you for it!

In Person* - all classes are in person at this time.

*Class locations:

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in West Alpharetta

Attitude Fitness in Southwest Roswell

Multiple LA Fitness locations in the Roswell and East Cobb areas

Customized, scientifically based group fitness classes designed with options and modifications for all fitness levels and abilities in mind, implemented as a group or smaller group breakouts, with guidance and coaching.

Ongoing encouragement, accountability and social support from your instructor and fellow participants...we're all in this together!

60 Minute Classes

LA Fitness East Cobb:
Bodyworks - Tuesdays at 8:30am
"A lightweight dumbbell workout moved to the beat of the music. Burn calories as you flow through a variety of exercises to sculpt and tone your body into shape! Notice improvements in your muscle tone, posture, balance and strength. A total body workout!" ~LA Fitness

Step Plus Abs - Tuesdays at 9:45am
"Step your way to a toned body with this fun cardiovascular workout followed by challenging core work. You control your intensity level by adjusting the step height." ~LA Fitness

LA Fitness Roswell - Hwy 92 / Hardscrabble Rd.:
Cycle - Thursdays at 9:15am
"Come enjoy the ride. Whether you’re training for a triathlon or riding for cardiovascular health, this class will get you there. Feel the energy from those that surround you as everyone endures the terrain. This class will get you to your destination." ~LA Fitness

LA Fitness Holcomb @ 400:
Step Sculpt - Saturdays at 9:45am
"A great step workout followed by intense muscle conditioning with light weights and challenging core work!" ~LA Fitness

Included in LA Fitness Membership

60 Minute Classes

Bootcamp/Circuit Training

Learn or practice skills to improve your cardiovascular and muscular strength and endurance in this circuit-based, interval workout. Work your whole body with a variety of equipment and challenging but fun exercises and drills. Choose between high and low impact options, lighter or heavier resistance, and modifications for all fitness levels (no experience necessary). Experience motivation and support from your coach and fellow participants...all while burning lots of calories! Make Friends...Get Strong...Have fun!

Attitude Fitness in Southwest Roswell:
Bootcamp/Circuit Training - Wednesdays at 8:30am
In addition to training with a variety of equipment, experience the power of cardio boxing on heavy bags and the challenge of specialty equipment including TRX suspension training and more!

Prepaid Pricing

Free trial class! Come experience the fun before you commit.

Available in blocks of 10 classes - $100

No additional fees. Attend when convenient for your schedule. Advance registration required.

St. Thomas Aquinas (Parish Hall) in West Alpharetta:
Bootcamp/Circuit Training - Fridays at 9:30am

No Fee Required!*

Attend when convenient for your schedule. Advance registration required.

*Donations appreciated.

Senior Fitness

It's never too late to make a difference! Improve your flexibility, balance, agility, and muscular strength and endurance in this slow, chair-based workout. Use light dumbbells and resistance bands (or just your own bodyweight) and other fun equipment with guidance on proper posture and movement and exercise modifications, as needed. Sharpen your mind through cognitive training and just being social. Develop new friendships, expand your support network, and experience movement with others. Make Friends...Get Strong...Have fun!

St. Thomas Aquinas (Parish Hall) in West Alpharetta:
Senior Fitness - Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:30am

No Fee Required!*

Attend when convenient for your schedule.

*Donations appreciated.